Friday, 7 November 2014

Good Morning Vientiane!

After a great nights sleep,  we had a lovely breakfast at the hotel and headed out to sort out the books and storage.

With the book party set for tomorrow afternoon we headed for the printers Phaxay Graphics which our good friend Martin Momoda of momobooks organised. Due to some confusion with the printers front doors being locked and closed and no answer on the phone, we started to panic a bit as we have to be 6hrs away tomorrow to deliver these books.

We contacted Martin and let him know the dilemma, however due to time zones and martin being in Guatemala currently setting up Momosign for the children of Guatemala (This guy is a legend!), we were unable to contact him until later in the evening. As the book party was meant to be Friday we spoke to our friend Mr Vongsamay who is arranging the book party to let him know. After much discussion we decided to change our plan and arrange uniforms for the children at the school. (This is what the School Governor had originally suggested we get for them however we opted for the books.)

Whilst the uniforms were going to cost us a few hundred dollars more than we raised, we decided to commit to buying them. Uniforms are a vital part of successful schooling, whist they are not specifically and educational tool, they provide the school children with unity and a sense of belonging. As well as of course having a new shirt which many of these children would not otherwise get.

We are firm believers that everything happens for a reason, and with all the issues thus far, we weren't going to let ANYTHING get in our way!

We headed out to town for dinner on the bikes without realising there was a thunderstorm on the way. Below is our half way stop whilst the precipitation was at its heaviest :D

Later that night we got a message back from Martin from momobooks and he said the printer is definitely where it was before and it appears we were confused with the location we visited last year. Again, everything happens for a reason, after talking it over we have decided to also purchase the books so we can give the school Uniforms AND Books on this trip, these kids are going to be very happy!

Obviously we have not raised the money for this and it is coming out of our own pockets which we are perfectly fine with, the looks on the kids faces and the opportunity the books will bring for them is payment enough for us. That said, we are not wealthy folks and we will be starting another Indiegogo Campaign shortly to try and recuperate some of the funds so we aren't too far out of pocket, and of course to allow others to share in the joy of giving to those less fortunate.

I am finishing this post the following morning and we are at breakfast about to head for the shops and the printers to arrange it all and we will be leaving Vientiane on Sunday to head for Ban Namsanam and Mr Vongsamay for the book party and presentation of the uniforms on Monday....... Super Excited!!!!!

Thanks again everyone for your support and well wishes, we are so happy to share our adventure with you all, lots of cool photos and stories to come!

Korb Jai Lai Lai (Thankyou very much)
Chris & David

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you ate back on track again. There will be some very happy kids come Monday.


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